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Database and GIS Consultant.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

SP2-0640: Not connected error message when running catcdb.sql

Problem: Error message when creating dictionary views and system stored procedures.

SP2-0640: Not connected error message when running catcdb.sql 


Database Software: Oracle 12c Release 2

Operating System: Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard - 64 Bit


In sqlnet.ora make sure below parameter is set:-


This SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (NTS) parameter is required in order for the the catcdb.sql script and subsequent perl scripts to successfully connect to the database and run, otherwise you may encounter "SP2-0640: Not connected" error messages. Once the installation is complete, you may remove this parameter or comment it out.

Exit out of SQL*Plus, reconnect, drop and recreate the database, and rerun "catcdb.pl" script.

Hope it helps.

Can't locate util.pm in @INC (you may need to install the util module)

Error message when creating dictionary views and system stored procedures.

Can't locate util.pm in @INC (you may need to install the util module) 


Database Software: Oracle 12c Release 2

Operating System: Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard - 64 Bit

Problem: This script "catcdb.sql", calls a perl script "catcdb.pl", both these files are located in "ORACLE_HOME\rdbms\admin" folder. 

There is a bug in Oracle 12c R2 base release, the perl script "catcdb.pl" will look for a utility module called "util.pm" in the "ORACLE_HOME\rdbms\admin" folder which is absent by default, throwing the below error message.

Can't locate util.pm in @INC (you may need to install the util module) (@INC contains: ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin ORACLE_HOME/perl/site/lib ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib .) at ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catcdb.pl line 35. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catcdb.pl line 35.

Workaround: Copy "util.pm" from "ORACLE_HOME\perl\lib\Hash" to "ORACLE_HOME\rdbms\admin" folder

> copy F:\Oracle12cR2_64Bit_DB\product\perl\lib\Hash\util.pm F:\Oracle12cR2_64Bit_DB\product\rdbms\admin

Exit out of SQL*Plus, reconnect and rerun the "catcdb.pl" script.

Hope it helps!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Null or Invalid User has Administrative Privileges INS-32095 PRCZ-1101 WSE-000012


Database Software: Oracle 12c Release 2

Operating System: Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard - 64 Bit

C:\> setup.exe -silent -noConsole -skipPrereqs -noconfig -waitForCompletion -responsefile resp_12cR2.rsp 

Problem: While running above "setup.exe" command, getting below said messages (in the files in "C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs" folder) while manually installing Oracle database Software in silent mode using a response file:-


SEVERE: [FATAL] [INS-32095] Specified user has administrative privileges.

   CAUSE: You have selected a user which has administrative privileges to be the Oracle Home user.

   ACTION: Make sure you specify a non-administrative user or revoke the administrative privileges for this user.

INFO: Advice is ABORT

INFO: Adding ExitStatus INVALID_USER_INPUT to the exit status set

INFO: Completed validating state <getWindowsSecureOptionDetails>

INFO: Terminating all background operations

INFO: Terminated all background operations

INFO: Finding the most appropriate exit status for the current application

INFO: Exit Status is -2

INFO: Shutdown Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Installer

INFO: Unloading Setup Driver


PRCZ-1101 : failed to determine if user "OracleWinUsr" is a Windows Group Managed Service Account (GMSA) user

WSE-000012: Null or invalid User name parameter.


[FATAL] [INS-32095] Specified user has administrative privileges.

   CAUSE: You have selected a user which has administrative privileges to be the Oracle Home user.

   ACTION: Make sure you specify a non-administrative user or revoke the administrative privileges for this user.

Solution: Check if the user name provided for "oracle.install.OracleHomeUserName" in the response file is a member of "Administrators" group, if so, remove it from that group and continue with the install, which should work. Once the install is over, you may add back the user to be part of "Administrators" group.

Hope if helps!