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Database and GIS Consultant.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Installation of Oracle DST 2007 Patches in Oracle Database and Client Machines

Recommended reading: "Impact of DST 2007 (Day Light Saving) on Oracle Databases"

Environment: GIS database environment, ESRI's ArcSDE 9.0 running on Oracle database on a 32 bit Windows 2003 Server operating system.

Table of Contents

Rollback and De-Installation of Patches
Patch Install Verification
Part 1 - Install DST Patches in Oracle Database Server
1. Software and Utility Requirement
2. DST Patch Download from Oracle Metalink
3. Shutdown and Reboot
4. Patch Install
4.1. Patch # 5548107 [Interim Patch for Bug: 5548107]
4.2. Patch # 5654905 [Critical patch update Patch 15] Patch Database(s)
4.3. Patch # 5047902 [Oracle JVM TimeZone - Interim Patch for bug 5047902]
5. Final Testing
Part 2 - Install DST Patches in Oracle Client Machines

Introduction: This document provides steps involved in installing Oracle DST patches in Oracle Database and Client machines. Identify and list out the Oracle database server(s) and client machines.

ServerOracle Product Installed
ORADBTESTDatabase Server
ORADBPRODDatabase Server

Rollback and De-Installation of Patches: It’s safe to backup entire database server (including ORACLE_HOME and Database files) before patches are installed for the purpose of restoring the database.

However, there is a second option available, rollback scripts are created for each patch install when applied using Oracle OPatch Utility, hence a patch (or a patch-set) can be rolled back using them. During the patch install, rollback scripts are automatically created at "%ORACLE_HOME%\.patch_storage\<patch_id>\" folder in the name "rollback_<patch_id>.cmd". Patch De-Installation instructions are available at the bottom of each respective README.txt (or README.html if available) files.

There was no requirement for patch rollback when installed, hence steps for rolling back a patch is not included in this document.

Patch Install Verification:Verify the log file "Apply_<patch_id>_<timestamp>.log" created at "%ORACLE_HOME%\.patch_storage\<patch_id>\ for any errors after every OPatch install. Also check %ORACLE_HOME%\cpu\CPUJan2007Apply_<ORACLE_SID>_<timestamp>.log after running "catcpu.sql" script for patch 5654905.

Part 1 - Install DST Patches in Oracle Database Server

1. Software and Utility Requirement: Oracle DST Patches are applied using an Oracle Patch utility called OPatch. It requires Perl 5.005_03 or higher and JDK versions of 1.3.1 or higher.

Note: Java, OPatch and Perl that were already present in Database Server may not include all the required files for DST patches. Hence download and reinstall all the three once again to successfully install the DST patches.

1.1. JAVA: Download and install JAVA from below Sun website and set PATH accordingly:-

J2SDK - http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html

C:\j2sdk1.4.2_13\bin>java -version
java version "1.4.2_13"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_13-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_13-b06, mixed mode

In Database Server, it is installed in "C:\j2sdk1.4.2_13", include its "bin" folder in "Path" environment variable [refer section 1.4].

1.2. Perl - Download Perl using Oracle Interim Patch # 2417994 and install it as per instructions provided in the README.txt file.

Log into "metalink.oracle.com" -> "Patch & Updates" -> "Simple Search" and provide "2417994" as patch number, Select "Microsoft Windows (32 bit)" as platform and click "Go". Download the release, downloaded file name would be "p2417872_9201_WINNT.zip". [Or use below link to download]


C:\perl\perl\5.00503\bin\MSWin32-x86>perl -version
This is perl, version 5.005_03 built for MSWin32-x86
Copyright 1987-1999, Larry Wall
Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or
the GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5.0 source kit.
Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on
this system using `man perl' or `perldoc perl'. If you have access to the
Internet, point your browser at http://www.perl.com/, the Perl Home Page.

In Database Server, Perl is installed in "C:\perl", include its "..\bin\MSWin32-x86" folder in "Path" environment variable [refer section 1.4].

1.3. OPatch - In Database Server, OPatch is installed in "D:\oracle\ora92\OPatch" folder. [If already present, move/backup the files present in the OPatch folder and reinstall new OPatch in the same folder]. Include its "D:\oracle\ora92\OPatch" folder in "Path" environment variable [refer section 1.4].

set ORACLE_HOME=d:\oracle\ora92

D:\>opatch version

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2005 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved..
We recommend you refer to the OPatch documentation under
OPatch/docs for usage reference. We also recommend using
the latest OPatch version. For the latest OPatch version
and other support related issues, please refer to document
293369.1 which is viewable from metalink.oracle.com

OPatch Version:

OPatch returns with error code = 0

Download Oracle OPatch using Bug # 2417872, and install it as per instructions provided in the README.txt file.

"metalink.oracle.com" -> "Patch & Updates" -> "Simple Search" and provide "2617419" as patch number, Select "Microsoft windows Server 2003" as platform and click "Go". Download the release, downloaded file name would be "p2617419_10102_GENERIC.zip". [Or use below link to download].


Reference: Oracle9i Data Server Interim Patch Installation (OPatch) Note: 189489.1

1.4. Path environment variable: Once Path is set for all the above 3, it would look as follows:-

echo %Path%
D:\oracle\ora92\bin;C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.3.1\bin;
C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN;
C:\esri_sde\ArcSDE\ora9iexe\bin;c:\program files\netiq\Common\Bin;

2. DST Patch Download from Oracle Metalink:-
2.1. Interim Patch for Bug: 5548107

"metalink.oracle.com" -> "Patch & Updates" -> "Simple Search" and provide "5548107" as patch number, Select "Microsoft windows Server 2003" as platform and click "Go". Download the release, downloaded file name would be "p5548107_92070_GENERIC.zip". [Or use below link to download].


2.2. Oracle Patch 15 on Windows 32 bit # 5654905

"metalink.oracle.com" -> "Patch & Updates" -> "Simple Search" and provide "5654905" as patch number, Select "Microsoft Windows (32 bit)" as platform and click "Go". The downloaded file name would be "p5654905_92070_WINNT.zip". [Or use below link to download].


2.3. Oracle JVM Patch # 5047902

"metalink.oracle.com" -> "Patch & Updates" -> "Simple Search" provide "5047902" as patch number, Select "Microsoft Windows (32 bit)" as platform and click "Go". Download the release, downloaded file name would be "p5047902_92070_GENERIC.zip". [Or use below link to download].


Unzip all the above three zip files (patches) in the appropriate folders and following is the folder structure created in Database Server:

Folder called "D:\5548107" for patch 5548107
Folder called "D:\5654905" for patch 5654905
Folder called "D:\5047902" for patch 5047902
Read the README.txt present in the respective unzipped folder for further information about the patches.

3. Shutdown and Reboot

3.1. Manual Services - Make all the ArcSDE and Oracle Services "Startup Type" as "Manual" if they are "Automatic" [Note down the "Startup Type" of these services prior to the change, will need to reverse it back to the original startup type ("Automatic") after the patch install].

3.2. Shutdown ArcSDE Service(s):

C:\>set SDEHOME=C:\esri_sde\ArcSDE\ora9iexe

C:\>sdemon -o shutdown -i esri_sde -p <password> -N

ArcSDE Instance esri_sde on TESTORCL is Shutdown!

3.3. Shutdown Oracle Databases: [From command line sqlplus.exe, not the windows sqlplusw.exe]

SQL> conn sys/@TESTORCL as sysdba
SQL> shutdown immediate;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.

3.4. Stop all Oracle* services:

C:\>net stop OracleServiceTESTORCL
The OracleServiceTESTORCL service is stopping.
The OracleServiceTESTORCL service was stopped successfully.

C:\>net stop OracleOra92TNSListener
The OracleOra92TNSListener service is stopping
.The OracleOra92TNSListener service was stopped successfully.

3.5. Rename bin and reboot server

- Rename the "bin" folder in "D:\oracle\ora92" to some other name (Example: "bin_save") and reboot the server.
- Once the server comes back up, rename the "bin_save" folder back to "bin" again

4. Patch Install
4.1. Patch # 5548107[Interim Patch for Bug: 5548107]. Patch the Oracle Home (Run only once for an Oracle Home):


D:\>cd 5548107

D:\5548107>opatch lsinventory

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2006 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved..

We recommend you refer to the OPatch documentation under
OPatch/docs for usage reference. We also recommend using
the latest OPatch version. For the latest OPatch version
and other support related issues, please refer to document
293369.1 which is viewable from metalink.oracle.com

Oracle Home : D:\ORACLE\ORA92
Oracle Home Inventory : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\inventory
Central Inventory : C:\Program Files\oracle\inventory
from : N/A
OUI location : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\oui
OUI shared library : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\oui\lib\win32\oraInstaller.dll
Java location : "D:\ORACLE\ORA92\jre\1.4.2\bin\java.exe"
Log file location : D:\ORACLE\ORA92/.patch_storage/<patch ID>/*.log

Creating log file "D:\oracle\ora92\.patch_storage\LsInventory__02-28-2007_16-02-35.log"


Installed Patch List:
1) Patch 5548107 applied on Wed Feb 28 15:28:38 EST 2007
[ Base Bug(s): 5548107 ]

OPatch succeeded.
OPatch returns with error code = 0


D:\5548107>opatch apply

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2006 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved..

We recommend you refer to the OPatch documentation under
OPatch/docs for usage reference. We also recommend using
the latest OPatch version. For the latest OPatch version
and other support related issues, please refer to document
293369.1 which is viewable from metalink.oracle.com

Oracle Home : D:\ORACLE\ORA92
Oracle Home Inventory : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\inventory
Central Inventory : C:\Program Files\oracle\inventory
from : N/A
OUI location : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\oui
OUI shared library : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\oui\lib\win32\oraInstaller.dll
Java location : "D:\ORACLE\ORA92\jre\1.4.2\bin\java.exe"
Log file location : D:\ORACLE\ORA92/.patch_storage/<patch ID>/*.log

Creating log file "D:\oracle\ora92\.patch_storage\5548107\Apply_5548107_02-28-2007_16-03-22.log"

Subset patches: 5548107,

The fixes for Patch 5548107, are included in the patch currently
being installed (5548107). OPatch will roll back the subset patch(es) and install the new patch (5548107).

Backing up comps.xml ...

OPatch detected non-cluster Oracle Home from the inventory and will patch the local system only.

Please shut down Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME
(Oracle Home = d:\oracle\ora92)
Is this system ready for updating?
Please respond Y|N >
Rolling back patch 5548107...

Creating log file quot;D:\oracle\ora92\.patch_storage\5548107\RollBack_5548107_02-28

Rolling back with all-node mode.
OPatch detected non-cluster Oracle Home from the inventory and will patch the local system only.

Oracle instances have been shut down, proceeding with auto-rollback.

Removing patch 5548107...

Restoring copied files...

Warning: Cannot restore the file
as OPatch can't find backup file, so it is backed up as

Updating inventory...

Back to applying patch 5548107...

Backing up 2nd copy of comps.xml ...

Applying patch 5548107...

Patching jar files...

Patching copy files...

Inventory is good and does not have any dangling patches.

Updating inventory...

Verifying patch...
Backing up comps.xml ...

OPatch succeeded.
OPatch returns with error code = 0

Optional: Patch 5548107 will create a file called "utltzuv2.sql" in the "ORACLE_HOME\rdbms\admin" folder, this script is to check if TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data is stored in the database. Refer to Metalink document "Usage of utltzuv2.sql before updating time zone files in Oracle 9 Note: 396670.1" for further details.

4.2. Patch # 5654905 [Critical patch update Patch 15]

4.2.1. Patch the Oracle Home (Run once for each Oracle Home):

D:\>cd D:\5654905


D:\5654905>opatch lsinventory

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2006 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved..

We recommend you refer to the OPatch documentation under
OPatch/docs for usage reference. We also recommend using
the latest OPatch version. For the latest OPatch version
and other support related issues, please refer to document
293369.1 which is viewable from metalink.oracle.com

Oracle Home : D:\ORACLE\ORA92
Oracle Home Inventory : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\inventory
Central Inventory : C:\Program Files\oracle\inventory
from : N/A
OUI location : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\oui
OUI shared library : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\oui\lib\win32\oraInstaller.dll
Java location : "D:\ORACLE\ORA92\jre\1.4.2\bin\java.exe"
Log file location : D:\ORACLE\ORA92/.patch_storage/<patch ID>/*.log

Creating log file "D:\oracle\ora92\.patch_storage\LsInventory__02-28-2007_16-19-


Installed Patch List:
1) Patch 5548107 applied on Wed Feb 28 16:04:19 EST 2007
[ Base Bug(s): 5548107 ]

OPatch succeeded.
OPatch returns with error code = 0


D:\5654905>opatch apply

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2006 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved..

We recommend you refer to the OPatch documentation under
OPatch/docs for usage reference. We also recommend using
the latest OPatch version. For the latest OPatch version
and other support related issues, please refer to document
293369.1 which is viewable from metalink.oracle.com

Oracle Home : D:\ORACLE\ORA92
Oracle Home Inventory : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\inventory
Central Inventory : C:\Program Files\oracle\inventory
from : N/A
OUI location : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\oui
OUI shared library : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\oui\lib\win32\oraInstaller.dll
Java location : "D:\ORACLE\ORA92\jre\1.4.2\bin\java.exe"
Log file location : D:\ORACLE\ORA92/.patch_storage/<patch ID>/*.log

Creating log file "D:\oracle\ora92\.patch_storage\5654905\Apply_5654905_02-28-20

Backing up comps.xml ...

OPatch detected non-cluster Oracle Home from the inventory and will patch the local system only.

Please shut down Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME
(Oracle Home = d:\oracle\ora92)
Is this system ready for updating?
Please respond Y|N >
Executing the Apply pre-patch script (D:\5654905\custom\scripts\pre.bat)...
Applying patch 5654905...

Patching jar files...

Patching copy files...

Creating new directory "d:\oracle\ora92\cpu\cpujan2007\owa_all\30"
Creating new directory "d:\oracle\ora92\cpu\cpujan2007\owa_all\90"
Creating new directory "d:\oracle\ora92\cpu\cpujan2007\owa_all\101"
Creating file to hold list of directories that were mkdir'ed: "D:\oracle\ora92\.patch_storage\5654905\opatch_dirs_created.lst"

Inventory is good and does not have any dangling patches.

Updating inventory...

Verifying patch...
Backing up comps.xml ...



** **

** Please note that the Security Patch Installation (Patch Deinstallation) is **

** not complete until all the Post Installation (Post Deinstallation) **

** instructions noted in the Readme accompanying this patch, have been **

** successfully completed. **

** **



Executing the Apply post-patch script (D:\5654905\custom\scripts\post.bat)...

OPatch succeeded.
OPatch returns with error code = 0
D:\5654905>cscript //nologo remove_demo.js
This script will remove the Vulnerable OHS Demos %ORACLE_HOME%/Apache/Apache/fcgi-bin/echo*
Please note that you will NOT be able to restore these demos after removing,
if you may want to restore these demos, please manually backup all the files under
%ORACLE_HOME%/Apache/Apache/fcgi-bin/ directory, and then rerun remove_demo.js
Continue to remove the Vulnerable OHS Demos? Please respond Y|[N] =>
Removing the Vulnerable OHS Demos...
Patch Installation Script Completed

4.2.2. Patch the Databases (run for each database if multiple instances running) Database: TESTORCL

C:\>net start OracleOra92TNSListener
The OracleOra92TNSListener service is starting.
The OracleOra92TNSListener service was started successfully.

C:\>net start OracleServiceTESTORCL
The OracleServiceTESTORCL service is starting.
The OracleServiceTESTORCL service was started successfully.


D:\>cd D:\oracle\ora92\cpu\cpujan2007

D:\oracle\ora92\cpu\cpujan2007>sqlplus "sys/<password>@TESTORCL as sysdba"

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Feb 28 16:35:05 2007

Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 630268612 bytes
Fixed Size 455364 bytes
Variable Size 285212672 bytes
Database Buffers 343932928 bytes
Redo Buffers 667648 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.

No. of Invalid Objects is :50
Please refer to README.html to for instructions on validating these objects
Logfile for the current catcpu.sql session is : APPLY_SDE_28Feb2007_16_36_40.log

not spooling currently

SQL> select status,count(*) from dba_objects group by status order by 1;

------- ----------
VALID 33031

SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production

D:\oracle\ora92\cpu\cpujan2007>cd ../..

D:\oracle\ora92>cd rdbms/admin

D:\oracle\ora92\rdbms\admin> sqlplus "sys/<password>@TESTORCL as sysdba"

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Feb 28 16:43:07 2007

Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production


SQL> @utlrp.sql

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Table created.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select status,count(*) from dba_objects group by status order by 1;

------- ----------
VALID 33079

SQL> column owner format a15
SQL> column object_name format a25
SQL> column object_type format a25
SQL> select owner,object_name, object_type from dba_objects where status <>
'VALID' order by 1,2,3;

--------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

Shutdown and Restart TESTORCL database, and start ArcSDE Service esri_sde

SQL> shutdown immediate;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 630268612 bytes
Fixed Size 455364 bytes
Variable Size 285212672 bytes
Database Buffers 343932928 bytes
Redo Buffers 667648 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production

D:\oracle\ora92\rdbms\admin>set ORACLE_SID=TESTORCL

D:\oracle\ora92\rdbms\admin>set SDEHOME=C:\esri_sde\ArcSDE\ora9iexe

D:\oracle\ora92\rdbms\admin>sdemon -o start -i esri_sde -p <password>
ArcSDE Instance esri_sde started Wed Feb 28 16:53:16 2007

Testing: Using ArcCatalog, connect to Vector (esri_sde) and see if the connection succeeds and able to view the layers. Tested and it worked.

4.3. Patch # 5047902 [Oracle JVM TimeZone - Interim Patch for bug 5047902]

4.3.1. Shutdown all ArcSDE Services and Oracle Databases [as described in section 3.2 through 3.4].

4.3.2. Move file "orajox9java_util.dll" from "D:\oracle\ora92\javavm\admin" to some other (backup) folder and ensure that the file is backed up and not present in "ORACLE_HOME\javavm\admin" folder.

4.3.3. Patch the Oracle Home (Run only once for an Oracle Home):

D:\5654905>cd ../5047902

D:\5047902>opatch apply

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2006 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved..

We recommend you refer to the OPatch documentation under
OPatch/docs for usage reference. We also recommend using
the latest OPatch version. For the latest OPatch version
and other support related issues, please refer to document
293369.1 which is viewable from metalink.oracle.com

Oracle Home : D:\ORACLE\ORA92
Oracle Home Inventory : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\inventory
Central Inventory : C:\Program Files\oracle\inventory
from : N/A
OUI location : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\oui
OUI shared library : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\oui\lib\win32\oraInstaller.dll
Java location : "D:\ORACLE\ORA92\jre\1.4.2\bin\java.exe"
Log file location : D:\ORACLE\ORA92/.patch_storage/<patch ID>/*.log

Creating log file "D:\oracle\ora92\.patch_storage\5047902\Apply_5047902_02-28-20

Backing up comps.xml ...

OPatch detected non-cluster Oracle Home from the inventory and will patch the lo
cal system only.

Please shut down Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME
(Oracle Home = d:\oracle\ora92)
Is this system ready for updating?
Please respond Y|N >
Applying patch 5047902...

Patching jar files...

Patching copy files...

Inventory is good and does not have any dangling patches.

Updating inventory...

Verifying patch...
Backing up comps.xml ...

OPatch succeeded.
OPatch returns with error code = 0

D:\5047902>opatch lsinventory

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2006 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved..

We recommend you refer to the OPatch documentation under
OPatch/docs for usage reference. We also recommend using
the latest OPatch version. For the latest OPatch version
and other support related issues, please refer to document
293369.1 which is viewable from metalink.oracle.com

Oracle Home : D:\ORACLE\ORA92
Oracle Home Inventory : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\inventory
Central Inventory : C:\Program Files\oracle\inventory
from : N/A
OUI location : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\oui
OUI shared library : D:\ORACLE\ORA92\oui\lib\win32\oraInstaller.dll
Java location : "D:\ORACLE\ORA92\jre\1.4.2\bin\java.exe"
Log file location : D:\ORACLE\ORA92/.patch_storage/<patch ID>/*.log

Creating log file "D:\oracle\ora92\.patch_storage\LsInventory__02-28-2007_17-55-


Installed Patch List:
1) Patch 5047902 applied on Wed Feb 28 17:54:56 EST 2007
[ Base Bug(s): 5047902 ]
2) Patch 5654905 applied on Wed Feb 28 16:24:22 EST 2007
[ Base Bug(s): 4605400 4315431 3801082 3721136 4741071 4572340 5211863 444
8018 4192148 4049345 4047167 4544805 4908162 5411847 2838218 4928723 5250979 404
7969 5059488 3975758 4589659 4872999 3344331 4523125 3350337 4162272 4925103 412
4059 5242644 5064363 5500873 4708037 5250980 5064365 4379241 4632780 4547641 475
1923 4751528 5225794 4499035 5654905 4547566 5188596 4748597 5689875 3125250 462
5102 2701372 5021708 5049060 3904125 4523371 4083461 5049062 4656033 5212539 324
3584 3667025 4721492 3807408 3396162 4947132 4950942 4964703 4754842 4684373 456
7733 2595474 4519477 4567971 3967276 4715022 2816302 4312390 4107544 4329304 501
5557 4427475 4607458 4007599 4134994 4536817 4248629 4573980 4923667 4434689 457
0598 4917666 4287891 4409977 3799129 4294948 4627859 4718976 4969880 4869694 400
8013 4689959 5025840 3101559 4900129 3098032 5249142 4285404 4308824 4369235 463
2494 4618715 3429960 4592382 4335559 3984145 3684772 3857781 4687386 4288876 461
0323 5116414 3281270 4036921 4253914 4121749 5290940 5490841 4257473 4446528 454
8339 3328894 3937981 4449595 4398475 4727589 3879892 4402255 3206617 4369410 518
8321 4486132 4207529 3351594 5490931 4727517 4523577 5694714 4593537 3816595 493
9157 5382965 4567854 4579590 4659781 4939797 4529007 4275234 2709343 5045474 432
2477 4627335 3383661 4695511 2467239 4483951 4188472 4658188 3889156 4599763 469
7938 ]
3) Patch 5548107 applied on Wed Feb 28 16:04:19 EST 2007
[ Base Bug(s): 5548107 ]

OPatch succeeded.
OPatch returns with error code = 0

4.3.4. Startup Oracle Databases and respective ArcSDE Services [use section for startup command usage] and below Create JAVA in each databases.

D:\oracle\ora92\rdbms\admin>sqlplus "sys/<password>@TESTORCL as sysdba"

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Feb 28 18:01:33 2007

Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production

2 /

Java created.

4.3.5. Make ArcSDE and Oracle Services "Startup Type" to "Automatic" if they were originally "Automatic" (refer section 3.1).

5. Final Testing: Shutdown ArcSDE Services and Oracle Databases, reboot the machine, once the machine comes up, startup Oracle Database and ArcSDE Services and connect it from ArcCatalog and other front end applications.

Part 2 - Install DST Patches in Oracle Client Machines

1. Backup/move (create a folder, example "old_28Feb2007") the existing "timezlrg.dat" and "timezone.dat" files present in "ORACLE_HOME\oracore\zoneinfo" to the new folder ("old_28Feb2007").

2. Locate the new "timezlrg.dat", "timezone.dat" and "readme.txt" in the "...5654905\files\oracore\zoneinfo" folder where Patch 5654905 is unzipped (or copy it from the DB server where the patch has already been installed) and copy it to "ORACLE_HOME\oracore\zoneinfo".

Author:Babu Rangasamy
Title: GIS and Database Consultant
Created Date: March 1, 2007
Contact: Babu.Rangasamy[at]gmail.com