Environment: ArcCatalog 10.5.1, Oracle GDB, Python 2.7, Esri's ArcPy module
Examples of using where clause ("where_cls")
Example # 1: Create a blank feature class at the destination with the same structure as source. So I use a non-matching condition (-1), so a blank feature class is created:-
import arcpy
out_loc = r"C:\SDE_Connections\SCOTT@TODB.sde"
in_fc = r"C:\SDE_Connections\SCOTT@FROMDB.sde\TEST_FC"
out_fc = "TEST_FC"
C_Field = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(in_fc, "ID")
where_cls = C_Field + "= -1"
arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(in_fc, out_loc, out_fc, where_cls, config_keyword="VECTOR_DB")
Example # 2: Create a feature class whose column values has a length of only 5 characters from the source.
import arcpy
out_loc = r"C:\SDE_Connections\SCOTT@TODB.sde"
in_fc = r"C:\SDE_Connections\SCOTT@FROMDB.sde\TEST_FC"
out_fc = "TEST_FC"
C_Field = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(in_fc, "POSTCODE")where_cls = "char_length("+C_Field+") = 5"
arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(in_fc, out_loc, out_fc, where_cls)
Hope it helps !
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